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65: The All Ireland Intermediate Young Stockperson Championship 2024 (13-17 Year Olds) QUALIFIER

Cattle Sat 3rd Aug 2024


1. The Competition is open to girls and boys, age on the 1st September will determine the class each exhibitor enters.
2. One exhibitor qualifies from each qualifying show for the Final.
3. Animals can be of any Beef breed, male, or female (pedigree or non-pedigree beef) and must be leading.
4. An exhibitor can show an animal belonging to another herd owner.
5. Intermediate exhibitors will exhibit an animal male or female calf born on or after 1st Janurary 2023.
6. Calf identity cards to be available for inspection on show day.
7. Exhibitors may be asked for proof of their age at the final.
8. No Entries will be accepted on the day of the Qualifying Show.
9. Previous 1st Place Winners are no longer eligible to enter this age category.

1. The ability to handle and present the animal to its best advantage in the Show Ring.
2. General knowledge about the animal itself, including its feeding, breeding, etc.
3. Stock Judging, the ability to judge and place a group of animals.
4. Personal presentation of stock person.
5. Presentation of the animal.

Entry Fee: To Qualifying Show: €10 To Final: €15

PRIZES: 1st €750.00, 2nd €500.00, 3rd €250.00, 4th €125.00, 5th €75.00, 6th to end €50.00. 



Note for Information Regarding Movement of Bovine to Shows

The Department of Agriculture implemented a number of changes on 4th February 2019 which changed the procedures and criteria applicable when applying for a Certificate of Compliance for the movement of cattle. These also impact on the certificate which is required when moving bovine to a Show.

The following sets out the criteria applicable:

• The movement of cattle to and from an Agriculture Show within the State must be recorded on the Animal Identification and Movement System (AIM).

• In line with these changes a specific certificate of Compliance for the “Movement of Bovine from a Single Holding to a Show” must now be requested prior to the movement of animals concerned.

• These certificates can be created by (i) applying online using their agfood account or (ii) where the keeper is not on line the certificate can be generated by the local Regional Veterinary Office following receipt of a NBAS31K with issue of the certificate being subject to normal criteria applicable. This form will be available on the Departments Website and will also be included with the Show Circular when issued.

• When applying for this certificate the destination herd / or Show number is not required. The certificate generated will include an “S” symbol.

• The Certificate of Compliance for a Show will continue to be valid for a period of up to 30 days. As is currently the case these can be used for the movement of animals to a number of shows during the validity period of the certificate.

• Please also note—Calves which are less than 10 days cannot be moved to a Show.

As is currently the case the Movement Notification Section of the Certificate should be Completed by the Keeper and the Show Secretary who must clearly indicate the Show Number. The Show movement should be recorded on the passport. Ultimate responsibility for fulfilling these requirements lies with the Show Secretary. If the animals move to a herd other than the source herd, the new destination herd must complete and sign the certificate also.

Completed forms should be sent by the Show Secretary to the local RVO within 7 days of the Show.

Animal Identification and Movement (AIM) Division

Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

***Irish Shows Association Notice***

Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Certificate of Compliance Requirements

On the day of the Show, the Certificate of Compliance should be presented to the Show Secretary.

The keeper and the Show Secretary will then sign the Movement.

Notification section of the Certificate which will then Must be sent to the local RVO for recording onto the AIM system.


Shorepark Cup (Awarded to the exhibitor with the highest aggregrate of points)

The Cahercon Cup

The De Courcy Cup

The Martin O’Neill Cup

The JJ Kelly (Ballylean) Memorial Cup

The Tom Lillis (Shragh) Memorial Cup

The late Bernard O’Halloran Cup

Patrick McNamara Memorial Cup Commercial Champion of the Show 


Please supply the following details for Pedigree Classes: (1) Name of Animal; (2) Tatoo No.; (3) Date of Birth; (4) Name of Sire & (5) Name of Dam.

NB: Exhibitors must apply for Movement Certs prior to Show Day Entries close on the 28th July 2023.

There will be 2 Judging Rings; Judging starts 11.30 am

Rosettes in the Cattle Section are sponsored by McMahons Pharmacy Kildysart

Please Note: The Committee reserve the right to substitute Prize money with Vouchers for Product

Entry Fee:  
Prizes:   1st - , 2nd -
Class is currently closed for entry.